
Friday, September 1, 2017

9 - Linux Security: generating a pair of SSH keys (public/private)


- Layout for this exercise:

- Public key cryptography or asymmetrical cryptography is a cryptographic system that uses a pair of keys.

- Public keys may be disseminated widely, and private keys are known only to the owner. 

- This accomplishes two functions: authentication, which is when the public key is used to verify that a holder of the paired private key sent the message, and encryption, whereby only the holder of the paired private key can decrypt the message encrypted with the public key:

- Generating a pair of keys (private and public) according to the RSA asymmetric cryptographic algorithm. Notice that a passphrase is optionally asked for:

- The two keys are stored into the folder .ssh:

- The private key:

- The public key:

- Checking the IP:

- Copying the  public key so that locally available keys are used to authorize logins on remote machines:

- Trying the SSH connection:

- The passphrase is required to unlock the private key:

- Entering the passphrase (without password !!) the SSH connection is successful:

- Let's see that the public key was actually added:

- The authorized key matches the public key (id_rsa)obtained previously:

- Connecting from other server:

8 - Linux Security: SSH Banner and Message Of The Day


- Layout for this exercise:

- sshd_config is the file where SSH configuration is stored. 

- The banner displayed when connecting via SSH service is located at /etc/

- To display a message of the day (motd) the entry PrintMotd must be enabled to yes:

- Editing /etc/ the default message showing the Linux version can be personalized:

- To personalize the message of the day just edit /etc/motd:

- Replacing the default message:

- Restarting SSH:

- Checking the IP:

- Accessing from a Windows machine with Putty:

- Banner:

- Message Of The Day:

- Accessing from a Linux Kali machine the banner is displayed:

- Also the Message Of The Day is displayed:

7 - Linux Security: privilege escalation manipulating a user's UID


In this exercise a Linux Debian server is used:

- By default the only user with UID=0 is the superuser root:

- However, let's see what happens if a user's UID is manipulated and changed to 0.

- Creating a new user marie:

 - Setting a password for the new user :

- Switching the session to the new user:

- The UID for the new user is 1004:

-  Now here comes the tricky part. A user with enough privileges to edit the /etc/passwd could manipulate this file changing the user's UID from 1004 to 0:

- Going to marie's session, let's see that  the user marie is considered exactly like the superuser root:

-  Now the new user's UID is 0, although the IDs for groups have not been changed::

- Actually there are two users (root and marie) with UID=0:

- The fact of owning an UID=0 (regardless of the name of the user) means that marie has full access to commands and files on the system, what can be considered as an example of privilege escalation.

- To restore the default configuration let's edit again /etc/passwd assigning an UID different to 0 to marie:

- Finally the default configuration is restored:

- As a general rule, and with the goal of avoiding privilege escalation, it is recommendable to check periodically that the only user with UID=0 is the root:

- The previous command performs this task:

a) awk               <- pattern scanning and processing language
b) -F:                 <- field
c) '($3 == "0")    <- if the 3rd field is equal to 0
d) print               <- print the line
e) /etc/paswd     <- scanning this file

6 - Linux security: handling usage restrictions for CRON / CRONTAB services


- Layout for this exercise:

cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems.

- cron can be used to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. 

- It typically automates system maintenance or administration though its general purpose nature makes it useful for things like downloading files from the Internet and downloading email at regular intervals.

- cron is driven by a crontab (cron table) file, a configuration file that specifies shell commands to run periodically on a given schedule. 

- The crontab files are stored where the lists of jobs and other instructions to the cron daemon are kept. 

- Users can have their own individual crontab files and often there is a system wide crontab file (usually in /etc or a subdirectory of /etc) that only system administrators can edit.

- Reference for cron

- Reference for crontab:

- These two files play an important role:

/etc/cron.allow - if this file exists it must contain username for using cron jobs.

/etc/cron.deny - if the cron.allow file does not exist but the /etc/cron.deny file does exist then, to use cron jobs, the user must not be listed in the /etc/cron.deny file.

 - If neither of these files exist then, depending on site-dependent configuration parameters, either only the super user can use cron jobs, or all users can use cron jobs. 

- However, it is important to notice that root is always allowed to setup a crontab:

- Creating a cron.allow file to include the user johndoe:

- Going back to johndoe user account:

- Editing crontab for johndoe:

- Let's see what files are related with cron:

- Removing cron.allow:

- Specifically denying crontab access to johndoe by creating cron.deny:

- Now, johndoe is not allowed to use crontab: